circular slide rule museum
Fowler's Long Scale Calculator Circular Slide Rule | National.
Country of Origin: United States of America. Dimensions: 2-D - Unframed (H x W): 10.2cm (4 in. dia.) Needs Case Dimensions. Materials: Rule is made of.
ISRM is a member of the American Association of Museums and the .. The latest uses a CD/DVD case to support a circular slide rule (by Ying Hum of Canada).
Fowler's Long Scale Calculator Circular Slide Rule. Description.
Cylindrical Slide Rules - The Museum of HP Calculators.
circular slide rule museum
Gilson Atlas Calculator Circular Slide Rule | National Museum of.
Description: This 10-inch, one-sided aluminum circular slide rule is on a square base coated with plastic. The outer ring of the rule is a C scale divided.
sic sinco - Slide Rule Museum.
Slide Rules - CHM Revolution - Computer History Museum.
Hexadecimal-Decimal Circular SLide Rule | Computer History.
International Slide Rule Museum Whos Who? the E-6B Dead Reckoning Computer. a circular slide rule with a slide used as an aid in aviation navigation and.
. items with images. Harvard Project Physics Circular Slide Rule.
Herman van Herwijnen's Slide Rule Catalogue at ISRM. - C -.
Eastern Europe - Slide Rule Museum.
Go to the Pocket Slide Rules, Go to the Circular Slide Rules .. Slide Rules Private Slide Rule Collections Slide Rule Museums Slide Rule Manufacturer Slide.